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Support of the organism at the stage of menopause.


November 20, 2021


Starting material for the compounding of officinal homeopathic medicine, according to the official homeopathic pharmacopoeias, without indications / conclusive description resulting from repertorizing:

Support of the organism at the stage of menopause.

Dosage: 3 tablets daily orally

Specific information: Side-effects never manifested. Never manifested synergy when administered simultaneously with any chemical or other medicine.

Recommendation: Before starting any non prescription medicine, your health condition must be clinically diagnosed and fully examined through laboratory testing.

Attention: Consult immediately your physician if symptoms persist or worsen.


Product Description

Scientific documentation:

  1. Repertorizing hints as of appendix a:

Menses, before, beginning at, after / genitalia
female, menopause, premature / menses, absent,
copious, frequent, too early, too soon, intermittent,
irregular, offensive, painful, prolonged, scanty,
short duration, suppressed anger from, bathing,
cold, shock mental, wet from becoming / mind,
emotion, anxiety, climacteric period during /
amenorrhea / climacteric, affections of / menopause,
change of life, climacteric / female sexual organs,
climacteric period, ache in small of back, pain in
sacrum and coccyx, back, pain, severe, on a line
with and to left of sacrum, worse on pressure
and turning over in bed, coldness subjective,
diarrhoea, epigastrium faint feeling, eyes, anxious
look, faintness, nervous, with exhaustion, feet,
numbness or swelling, hemorrhoids with / head,
heat in vertex, flushes with congestion and heat
/ headache, chronic paroxysmal / female sexual
organs, climacteric period, heat, burning of palms
and soles, throws bed clothes off / female sexual
organs, climacteric period, leucorrhea, corrosive,
fetid, continues after menses cease / liver, bilious
attacks of liver complaints / mental condition,
calm, yet feared she would not recover / mental
condition, constant disposition to talk, which
made her cough, at time for return, depression with
chronic abdominal disorders, melancholy / muscles
rigid with soreness, restlessness, must be on the
move, sleeplessness, vertigo, from walking in open
air /

  1. Materia medica reference as of appendix b.

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