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Support of the organism with muscle discomforts from continuous work at the computer or working with uncomfortable body posture or prolonged immobility.


November 21, 2021


Starting material for the compounding of officinal homeopathic medicine, according to the official homeopathic pharmacopoeias, without indications / conclusive description resulting from repertorizing:

Support of the organism with muscle discomforts from continuous work at the computer or working with uncomfortable body posture or prolonged immobility.

Dosage: 3 tablets daily orally

Specific information: Side-effects never manifested. Never manifested synergy when administered simultaneously with any chemical or other medicine.

Recommendation: Before starting any non prescription medicine, your health condition must be clinically diagnosed and fully examined through laboratory testing.

Attention: Consult immediately your physician if symptoms persist or worsen.




Product Description

Scientific documentation:

  1. Repertorizing hints as of appendix a:

Writers cramp, writers spasm, wrist, pain in, paralysis
of, rheumatism of / nape of neck, feels weary and
tired, from writing or any exertion, nape of neck,
weary, as if great weight were lying upon it, neck so
weak, child can scarcely keep it erect, numbness in
sacrum and coccyx while sitting / limbs in general,
joints, inflammation, chronic, especially from
blows, strains, from over lifting or overstraining /
limbs in general, tearing, muscles, as if strained and
torn from attachments / lower limbs, feet, sprained
feeling, strain like, in distinct pain / lower limbs,
hips, injuries, strain in capsular ligaments, with
swelling and pain / lower limbs, thighs, straining
of tendons and muscles, with swelling and pain /
neck and back, creak, caused by sudden strain when
lifting, worse on first attempt to move, better by
continued motion, hurts in riding, or from a jar
or misstep / neck and back, lumbar region, broken
feeling, pain violent , on movement or coughing,
from straining back by lifting, jerking, stitch-like,
when walking, towards hips, worse after sitting or
standing / neck and back, spine, sensitive, tenderness
of upper dorsal and lower cervical spinous process,
with stiff neck, worse on exertion or strain upon
spine, painful to pressure, which causes pain and
irritation to cough, touch, passive motion, injuries,
straining, easily, producing great debility /

  1. Materia medica reference as of appendix b.

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