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Support of the organism that has a tendency to procrastinate regularly the physical or mental exertion.


November 20, 2021


Active substance to be used as starting raw material for the compounding of officinal homeopathic medicine, according to the official homeopathic pharmacopoeias, without indications / conclusive description resulting from repertorizing:

Support of the organism that has a tendency to procrastinate regularly the physical or mental exertion.

Dosage: 3 tablets every day orally.

Specific information: Side-effects never manifested. No homeopathic medicine has ever been recalled from circulation due to side-effects or adverse effects. Homeopathic medicines have never manifested synergy when administered simultaneously with any chemical or other medicine.

Recommendation: Before starting any non prescription drug your health condition must be recently fully examined and diagnosed clinicaly and laboratory so as not to be any need for further examination.

Attention: Consult your physician immediately if symptoms persist or worsen.


Product Description

Scientific documentation:

1. Repertorizing hints as of appendix a:

General, exertion physical, agg., amel., air in open
amel., impossible / general, activity, alternating
with aversion to any exertion, outer activity ceases,
physica l/ general, lassitude / general, puberty,
ailments in / heaviness, externally, internally, load
like a / general conditions, talking agg. / weariness,
mental exertion from / mind, fear exertion of,
undertaking anything, enterprise a new, work,
become unfit for to, dread of / mind, emotion,
indifferent, apathy / mind, emotion, prostration
of mind, mental exhaustion, brain fag / mental or
physical shock, weakness from / mind, thought,
perception, absent-minded, absorbed in thoughts,
ambition loss of, confusion of mind, day dreaming /
mind, thought, perception, dullness, sluggishness,
difficulty of thinking and comprehend / mind,
will, loss of will / general conditions, activity,
alternating with aversion to any exertion / general
conditions, exertion physical, agg., impossible
/ general conditions, lie down, inclination to,
manual labor / generals, aversion-desires, aversion,
exertion, physical to / mind, thought-perception,
duty, intolerance, when want of sense of, ideas,
deficiency of, vanish / physical, great languor and
disinclination to physical and mental exertion
/ mental and physical lassitude and languour,
mental dullness and physical depression, mental
nervous and physical weakness, great weakness and
prostration, of mind and body, tired, weary, work,
indifference and disiplination for any mental of
physical work / memory weak, mental exertion, with
aversion to /

2. Materia medica reference as of appendix b

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