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Access to Healthcare

Access to Healthcare

We are committed to increasing access to healthcare for underserved patient populations in a sustainable way. We consider our effort to bridge the gap between CAM oriented population and conventional health care providers and wisWe are committed to increasing access to healthcare for underserved patient populations in a sustainable way. We consider our effort to bridge the gap between CAM oriented population and conventional health care providers and wise versa is one of the safest ways to increasing access to healthcare. Our goal is always to improve health for patients and to add value for our stakeholders and our business. Improving health means to utilize the opportunity to benefit from healthcare sources isolated and faced with suspicion in the past from one side or the other.

Most of the times homeopathy is considered as the victim of the conventional medicine but don’t forget the huge responsibility of homeopathy that accepts every non scientific theory and practice to find shelter in its area and under its name.

Providing sustainable access to healthcare for all those who need it is a significant global challenge. Factors affecting access range from the affordability of medicines to the availability of healthcare systems and the resources to make them effective. But we must not forget the ignorance and the low quality of information that makes people to be divided in two major parties of the “naturals” and the “chemicals” who with an elongated war that lasts for centuries is producing victims from both parties. It will take a combined global effort involving all related stakeholders to drive sustainable progress in increasing access to healthcare worldwide and we can make a meaningful contribution to that through our effort to desensitize people from the sins of the past and make them understand that real medicine is not divided to “chemical” and “natural”. Real medicine is one and unique without unfruitful comparisons between its constituents. Real medicine is for the benefit of the people and not for rising wars between them. Real medicine takes in to consideration the idiosyncrasy of the patient and may suggest a chemical solution or a combined one where homeopathy will act mostly as a complimentary but really precious and efficient factor.

We consider our effort to bridge the gap between CAM oriented population and conventional health care providers and wise versa is one of the safest ways to increasing access to healthcare.

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